The kind of material used to make your bags and suitcases is an important factor to consider if you want your products to have both the upscale look and quality. Whether it is the fashionable women’s handbag, briefcase, or the travel bag, we have the right microfiber leather for you to make your bags the darling of the chic.
Available in different sizes, our microfiber leather can come in a variety of colors and shapes to suit your specific application requirements and ensure a cost-saving purchase on a tight budget. Fast delivery allows you to shorten time to market.
Now in our third decade of operation, we remain tightly focused on developing new leather styles, grain patterns, and processing techniques. A variety of leather surface patterns are available, including mirror finish, embossed pattern, printed pattern, washed and worn look, cracking look, waxed look, and napped finish.
Environmental Protection
Recent years has seen a growing concern over environmental issues. With the advent of new materials, many bag manufacturers increasingly show their interest in leather materials. We are an ISO9001 certified company specializing in crafting a wide range of leather materials. If you are in search for eco-friendly microfiber leather to make your bags, please do not feel free to give us a buzz. Brow our online listings, and you will also discover a range of microfiber bag fabrics, such as the embossed microfiber fabric, waterproof microfiber fabric, stain-free microfiber fabric, fire-retardent microfiber fabric, and more.